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BAM held its regional event in Armenia

BAM región

Colombia. The city of Armenia was the epicenter of the inauguration of BAM region, a tour that seeks to bring the best of the Bogotá Audiovisual Market, BAM, the most important event of the audiovisual industry, to different cities in the country.

The inauguration of the BAM, an event organized by MinTIC and Proimágenes, and supported by Telecafé, was the beginning of three days, in which audiovisual companies and interested in this sector of the Coffee Axis will be able to access closed workshops, business rounds, master classes, round tables and projections open to the public.

"BAM in the regions arrives for the first time in Quindío, which aims to generate spaces for academic training, networking and audiovisual exhibitions to strengthen processes related to production, the design of creative strategies for the realization and audiovisual distribution of our country. This is a sector for which we work daily and that is why we managed to make the highest investment in the history of public television and the audiovisual sector, with figures that exceed 1.2 billion pesos during the government of President Iván Duque, "said the ICT minister during the opening of the event.

And he added: "precisely for the strengthening of public TV and the audiovisual sector in the coffee axis, more than $77,849 million pesos have been delivered. I invite all filmmakers, producers, creators, technicians, artists, agents and other actors in the sector to take advantage of these scenarios".

- Publicidad -

Among the conferences and master sessions developed by workshops such as Jorge Forero, film director and producer, founder of the production companies Marginal and Burning Blue; Iván Gaona, film director; Consuelo Castillo, director of the Agency for the Promotion and Distribution of Latin American Cinema DOC:CO; and Pilar Torres, producer and researcher and leader of MinTIC's Audiovisual Calls.

For her part, Claudia Triana, director of Proimágenes Colombia, said: "the BAM, which we created 13 years ago in Bogotá, with the help of MinTIC, can reach the regions today. Last year we went to five cities and this year we will be in four territories to improve the way we tell stories, make alliances and make projects become a reality and we can enjoy them soon on audiovisual screens."

From June to October, BAM will arrive in Armenia, Pamplona, Riohacha and Villavicencio and in liaison with local entities, three days of face-to-face activities will be developed that will allow to know more about the production of audiovisual content in these regions and talk about the challenges and opportunities to support the industry in Colombia.

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2010), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de TecnoTelevisión&Radio.

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