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Public TV received 69 million views on online platforms

tv públicaColombia. MinTic presented the results of the Extended TV study, made by the firm Kantar Ibope Media, in which it was revealed that 68,534,652 minutes of content from regional channels were consumed between July 2020 and July 2021.

The study took into account the records of Señal Colombia, Canal Trece, Canal Institucional, Canal Capital, Teleantioquia, Telecafé, Telecaribe, Telepacífico and Canal TRO. Together, these channels also recorded 69,623,137 visits in the aforementioned period, in which devices such as Smart TVs, computers, mobile phones and tablets were contemplated.

"We are pleased by the positive results shown by this study, which also reflected that the ratio of minutes per visit is also on the rise, but we will continue working so that public channels continue to reach new screens, beyond conventional televisions," said María Cecilia Londoño, director of MinTIC's internal Public Media group.

In turn, Karen Abudinen, Minister of ICT said that "the consumer of television has changed and from the Office of Public Media we are willing to do what is in our power so that the nine media indicated in the study are increasingly competitive in this environment."

- Publicidad -

Another finding of the study was that public channels are mostly consumed on computers, since 68% of the minutes were viewed on these devices; followed by mobile phones, with 28%; Tablet with 3%; and televisions, with 1%.

In the same way, during the first year of the study it was also known that lunch is the preferred time to enjoy public channels through digital platforms, since there were 14.35 million minutes that were seen between 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m., being the time slot with a higher audience.

Likewise, the most popular programs of each public media in the digital world were known. Among the highlights were:

Capital Channel
Learn at Home (482,878 minutes).
Capital News 12:00 (421,517 minutes).
Capital News Special (319,286 minutes).

Institutional Channel
The morning signal (54,158 minutes).
Well dated (26,061 minutes).
Regional Alliance (17,285 minutes).

Signal Colombia
Return to Colombia (3,109,234 minutes).
Profe en tu Casa (514,963 minutes).
San Tropel (170,789 minutes).

Teleantioquia Noticias (6,640,646 minutes).
Hour 13 News (5.875.395 minutes).
Serenade (1,377,204 minutes).

- Publicidad -

TVA Noticias (402,866 minutes).
Telecafé Noticias (157.109 minutes).
Vital Connection (79,450 minutes).

Major League Baseball (445,739 minutes).
Telecaribe News from 6:00 p.m. (366,109 minutes).
Telecaribe News from 1:00 p.m. (340,523 minutes).

Tardes del Sol (1,135,886 minutes).
In Shape (486,022 minutes).
Green Tales (337,800 minutes).

Channel Thirteen
Resonant Playlist (617,171 minutes).
Thirteen Animated (254,557 minutes).
Resonant Magazin (99,226 minutes).

TRO Channel
Oriente Noticias (1,853,794 minutes).
Oro Noticias (794,549 minutes).
Act in Law (502,237 minutes).

After knowing the measurement, Andrés Felipe Cañón Olivares, leader of the process of measurement and analysis of audiences of Canal Trece, said that the Extended TV Project has had a great impact on the modernization of the medium: "The new access to video consumption information on our different screens gives us the complement of transmedia strategies, accessing not only linear television information, but offering us other approaches to information analysis including more knowledge and depth of the dynamics, and consumption habits of the video audience in Colombia."

- Publicidad -

Finally, the Kantar Ibope study showed that at the moment only 3.5% of consumption is given thanks to video on demand (VOD) content, which reflects the high consumption of live television in the public channels associated with the Ministry. However, it should be clarified that some associated channels do not measure content on demand.

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2010), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de TecnoTelevisión&Radio.

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