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Immersive TV project with virtual reality announced

International. TV Virtual Experience is the new way of watching television proposed by Telefónica based on virtual reality, to allow the total immersion of the user. This initiative, which is another step towards the television of the future, takes advantage of the full potential of virtual reality technology to access the contents of Movistar + and create 3D worlds that allow a sensory involvement of the user in them.

Telefónica's prototype of a personalized multiplatform virtual reality application has two environments to enjoy immersive 360º experiences: a private virtual room to enjoy the contents of Movistar + on a large 2D screen of 192 '' and a public virtual room to share with other users the visualization of "massive" Movistar + content such as premieres or sporting events, among others.

This virtual reality experience is interactive since it can be shared with other users who are incorporated in the form of avatars with which it is possible to talk through 3D audio. In the case of the private virtual room can be up to 5 users simultaneously, while in the public it is possible to incorporate up to 15.

The app is compatible with all major VR platforms: Oculus, Microsoft, and Steam VR. The glasses necessary for the display of the content can be from different manufacturers, technical specifications and prices, such as Samsung Gear VR (usable with a Samsung S6 smartphone or later), Oculus Rift, Lenovo Mirage or HTC VIVE. A PC with at least the processing power of a seventh-generation Intel i5 processor is required.

- Publicidad -

As for the contents, three types are shown: live channels of Movistar + as #0, video on demand (VoD) with original production series of Movistar + such as La Peste or La Zona, and 360 content such as the final of the ACB and the locomundo program. These recordings have been made with Samsung's 360 Round cameras as part of the strategic agreement reached between Telefónica and Samsung at a global level.

In addition, the main content that is seen on the 2D screen is complemented by means of floating screens where you can view interactive content transmedia for VoD content, the tweets that are generated around a content or recommendations similar to what is being seen on the main screen.

Likewise, TV Virtual Experience allows the positioning of products since, while the main content is played, interactive 3D advertising objects can appear within the virtual room so that the user can access more information about the advertised product or service, related promotions and even buy with a direct click on the floating object / advertisement.

This experience is another step towards the television of the future in which, thanks to new technologies, an integral experience will be achieved so that the user goes from being a passive subject to interacting with the contents and adapting them to their needs. All this with the use of devices with the most advanced immersion experiences by telefónica.

Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2010), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de TecnoTelevisión&Radio.

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