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VSN is focused on content management

Mario DiazColombia. During the first day of conferences of TecnoTelevisión&Radio 2015, the television production and post-production hall was attended by Mario Díaz, from the company VSN, with the presentation How to convert the data of media management systems into Business Intelligence. TVyVideo+Radio spoke with him at the end of his presentation:

What is VSN doing in the face of Big Data and Business Intelligence?

Mario Diaz: All environments that produce content, whether small producers who broadcast themselves or who sell their content, must incorporate into their production process all possible metadata to the content, not from the production but from the audience that will consume that content and that continues to receive that metadata after it is sold. This is going to enrich it and it's going to produce an important basis for what's to come. Today VSN is very focused, focused, on seeing the management of content. 

What technology does VSN have to meet this need?

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Mario Diaz: Our Media Asset Management is a television business model management system, not only as a file management system to store, transcode, move or to distribute a content, but also to be able to make as part of that metadata a business process, to be able to evaluate the costs, evaluate the human resource that I am occupying in that content, see everything that varies in terms of costs, efficiency in a production environment to make a content a product of a factory in which a need enters and a finished product leaves.

What are VSN's strategic allies to develop this Big Data throughout the process?

Mario Díaz: For that, what you mainly have to do is have an open system, a structure that is capable of communicating with different environments. We are members since the beginning of the FIN corporation, which encompasses the great generators of technology for the Broadcast environment. We are with companies like Sony, Panasonic, Belden, among many others and what we have is that all our applications are simple protocols.

What does this mean? 

Mario Diaz: That they are communicable at the level of metadata, at the level of content or information transfers, third-party traffic systems, third-party play-out, third-party news management, robotic libraries and / or centralized storage. That allows us today to capture information from any environment within a production medium, regardless of the supplier to which it belongs and interpret that information, to give meaning to the business and show it in a friendly interface to make an intelligent decision in the future.


Richard Santa, RAVT
Author: Richard Santa, RAVT
Periodista de la Universidad de Antioquia (2010), con experiencia en temas sobre tecnología y economía. Editor de las revistas TVyVideo+Radio y AVI Latinoamérica. Coordinador académico de TecnoTelevisión&Radio.

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