A big hug for everyone. I am Ana María Restrepo and from now on I will accompany you as editor of TV and VIDEO.
As you know, since December 2010 TV Y VIDEO is part of Latin Press Inc, a publishing house with 17 years of experience in the medium, which owns seven other specialized publications aimed at different industries.
For this year we have prepared some novelties for you, such as the new format of the website www.tvyvideo.com, and a new style in the event Digital Television without Stress, which, from now on takes the name of TecnoTelevisión Digital without Stress and will be held on August 31 and the first of September 2011 at the Hotel Crowne Plaza Tequendama in Bogotá, Colombia.Nowadays technology and its new launches make the parameters established in society and, of course, in industries change and create new challenges that in the end are accompanied by new opportunities and developments that strengthen economic sectors, nations and as such human beings. That is why in this first edition we wanted to continue with some topics that since 2009 and 2010 have been immersed in the industry such as the adoption of digital television standards and new technologies and developments both for the production of content and for its transmission.
We know that this industry requires all our attention and above all accompaniment. For this reason Santiago Jaramillo and Richard Santa, subeditor and journalist of TV Y VIDEO, respectively, will be with me accompanying you in everything you need from us. For us it will be a pleasure to be able to work hand in hand with you.
Please do not hesitate to send us your comments, doubts and appreciations, as well as information and new releases to [email protected]
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